I suppose it all starts with an idea. Anyone can have an idea. I’ve had many in my life, but always seem to lack two very important things: execution, and consistency. I have the first thing, let’s see how the other two go.
The First Thing: An Idea
It begins where all things must: a spark. I have attempted to start a blog in the past, and I think the problem I had was that I tried to organize it before starting it. I spent all of my energy on coming up with a schedule and a plan. On Tuesdays I’d have a certain them, then Thursdays a different one. A plan usually leads to success, but when it comes to creativity, one can’t always have a plan. I think I just need to do it.
The Second Thing: Execution
I started with the idea: make a blog. I told myself that nobody makes blogs anymore, nobody will read this. People will think you’re a moron, why are you wasting your time? That’s my problem, I’m worried about what other people will think. That is entirely unimportant. When it comes to creative writing, it’s about getting the stuff in your head out of your head. There doesn’t have to be a plan or a rhyme to the reason. Just write. It’ll be a different topic almost every time. Sometimes I just need to rant, sometimes I just need something to do. I just have to go out and write. It’s one of the more easy things to decide to go out and do in life. What the hell has been stopping me besides me? So here I go, executing the idea by writing this first post. It came about organically, with the downloading of this browser I’d never heard of. With the browser you get an email address, and a blog address. So here I am, utilizing the blog part. We’ll see what happens with the third thing.
The Third Thing: Consistency
This isn’t something to plan either. I don’t know now if I’m going to be consistent. One thing I’m very good at is doubting myself, so I am under the firm belief that there is no way I remain consistent on this. I am definitely going to try though. I think maybe one person besides me will ever even see this, and I may well be the only person to actually read it on a regular bases, provided I actually keep up with it. The idea of consistently posting on a blog is something I can’t wrap my head around. So I can’t think of it as posting a blog. I need to consider this an opportunity to write, which is very easy to understand. I like the idea of just writing, so I’m going to. We’ll see how the consistency hold up.